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LCD1604 Blue Backlight

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<p>If you want to add some visual output to your Arduino projects, you’ll need a <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">display</a>. If you need only a little to display, the LCD1604 Parallel <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">LCD Display</a> with <strong>IIC/I2C interface </strong>is a quite good solution.</p> <p>This Display provides a simple and cost-effective solution for adding a 20×4 White on RGB Liquid Crystal Display into your project. <strong>The display is 20 character by 4 line display has a very clear and high contrast white text upon a blue background/backlight.</strong></p> <p>This is a great blue backlight <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">LCD display</a>. It is fantastic for Arduino-based projects. This Display with Blue Backlight is very easy to interface with <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Arduino</a> or <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Other Microcontrollers.</a></p> <p><strong>This display overcomes the drawback of </strong><strong><a href=""×4-white-on-blue/"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">LCD1604 Parallel LCD Display</a> in which you’ll waste about 8 Pins on your <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Arduino</a> for the display to get working. Luckily in this product, an <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">I2C adapter</a> is directly soldered right onto the pins of the <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">display</a>. So all you need to connect are the I2C pins, which show a good library and little of coding.</strong></p> <p>The <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">I2C</a> is a type of serial bus developed by Philips, which uses two bidirectional lines, called SDA (Serial Data Line) and SCL (Serial Clock Line). Both must be connected via pulled-up resistors. The usage voltages are standard as 5V and 3.3V.</p> <p><a href=""""><img class=""aligncenter wp-image-1073026 size-full entered lazyloaded"" title=""Lcd2004 Parallel Lcd Display With Iic/I2C Interface, Lcd2004 Lcd1602 Parallel Lcd Display With Iici2C Interface 3"" src="""" alt=""Lcd1602 Parallel Lcd Display With Iici2C Interface 3"" width=""500"" height=""337"" data-lazy-srcset="" 500w,×202.jpg 300w,×311.jpg 462w"" data-lazy-sizes=""(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px"" data-lazy-src="""" data-ll-status=""loaded"" /></a></p> <p>If you already have the <strong><a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">I2C</a> </strong>adapter soldered onto the board like in this product, the wiring is quite easy. You should usually have only four pins to hook up. <strong>VCC </strong>and <strong>GND </strong>of course. This display works with 5 Volts. So we go for the 5V Pin.</p> <p>The values shown on the display can be either a simple text or numerical values read by the <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">sensors</a>, such as temperature or pressure, or even the number of cycles that the <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Arduino</a> is performing.</p> <p><em>If you are having an <a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">I2C adapter</a> and only want to buy a display then click below, </em></p> <p class=""product_title""><a href=""×4-white-on-blue/"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">LCD1604 Parallel LCD Display</a></p> <p><strong><span data-darkreader-inline-color=""""><em>For more displays click below, </em></span></strong></p> <p><a href="""" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">LED/LCD Display</a></p> <hr /> <h4><strong>Features :</strong></h4> <ol> <li>Arduino IIC/I2C interface was developed to reduce the IO port usage on the Arduino board</li> <li>I2C adapter allows flexibility in connections</li> <li>I2C Reduces the overall wirings.</li> <li>20 characters wide, 4 rows</li> <li>White text on the Blue background</li> <li>Single LED backlight included can be dimmed easily with a resistor or PWM.</li> </ol> <hr /> <h4><strong>Package Includes :</strong></h4> <p>1 x LCD1604 Parallel LCD Display with IIC/I2C interface</p>

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