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Arduino UNO R3 with Integrated WiFi Module
Original price was: 650,00 EGP.600,00 EGPCurrent price is: 600,00 EGP.
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1-3 Days
Weight | 0,0000 g |
Microcontroller: |
ATmega328P |
WiFi Module: |
Integrated (specific model may vary) |
Digital I/O Pins: |
14 (6 PWM outputs) |
Analog Input Pins: |
6 |
Flash Memory: |
32 KB (of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader) |
2 KB |
1 KB |
Operating Voltage: |
5V |
Input Voltage: |
7-12V |
<p>The <strong>Arduino UNO R3 with Integrated WiFi Module</strong> is a variant of the classic <strong>Arduino UNO</strong> board, featuring built-in Wi-Fi connectivity. This combination makes it ideal for Internet of Things (IoT) projects, where you can control and monitor devices over the internet or a local network. The integrated Wi-Fi module typically used with these boards is the <strong>ESP8266</strong> or <strong>ESP32</strong>, both of which are low-cost, powerful Wi-Fi modules.</p> <h3>Key Features of the Arduino UNO R3 with Integrated Wi-Fi Module:</h3> <ol> <li> <p><strong>Arduino UNO R3 Base</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>The board is based on the <strong>ATmega328P</strong> microcontroller (same as the standard Arduino UNO), which offers: <ul> <li><strong>14 Digital I/O pins</strong> (6 PWM pins)</li> <li><strong>6 Analog Input pins</strong></li> <li><strong>32KB of Flash memory</strong></li> <li><strong>2KB SRAM</strong></li> <li><strong>1KB EEPROM</strong></li> <li><strong>16 MHz clock speed</strong></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Built-in Wi-Fi</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>The <strong>Wi-Fi module</strong> (typically <strong>ESP8266</strong> or <strong>ESP32</strong>) is integrated into the board, providing <strong>Wi-Fi connectivity</strong>. <ul> <li><strong>ESP8266</strong>: A popular Wi-Fi module that can connect to Wi-Fi networks and handle communication with web servers.</li> <li><strong>ESP32</strong>: A more powerful version of the ESP8266, with added features such as Bluetooth support, better processing power, and additional I/O pins.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>I2C/SPI Communication</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>The board can communicate with other sensors or modules via <strong>I2C</strong> or <strong>SPI</strong> protocols, facilitating interaction with a wide range of devices.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Power Options</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>It can be powered via <strong>USB</strong> or through an external <strong>Vin</strong> pin (6V to 12V).</li> <li>The integrated Wi-Fi module may require more current, especially when transmitting data, so ensure that the power supply can handle the additional load.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>USB-to-Serial Communication</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>The <strong>USB port</strong> (via the <strong>CH340</strong> or <strong>ATmega16U2</strong>) is used for programming the Arduino and for serial communication with the computer.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Integrated Antenna (ESP8266/ESP32)</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>The Wi-Fi module comes with an integrated antenna (or an optional external antenna), depending on the module used, ensuring that the board can connect to a wireless network.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Arduino IDE Compatibility</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>The board is compatible with the <strong>Arduino IDE</strong> for programming, making it easy to write code, upload sketches, and monitor serial output.</li> <li><strong>Wi-Fi libraries</strong> such as <strong>ESP8266WiFi</strong> or <strong>WiFi.h</strong> (for ESP32) are available for making network connections and communication easier.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> <h3>Pinout of the Arduino UNO R3 with Integrated WiFi Module:</h3> <p>The pinout for the <strong>Arduino UNO R3 with Integrated WiFi</strong> is similar to the standard Arduino UNO, but with the addition of the Wi-Fi module's pins.</p> <ul> <li> <p><strong>ATmega328P Microcontroller</strong>:</p> <ul> <li><strong>14 Digital I/O Pins</strong>: D0 to D13 (6 can be used for PWM)</li> <li><strong>6 Analog Input Pins</strong>: A0 to A5</li> <li><strong>3.3V</strong>: 3.3V output pin (used by the Wi-Fi module)</li> <li><strong>5V</strong>: 5V output (for powering external sensors or modules)</li> <li><strong>GND</strong>: Ground</li> <li><strong>SCL/SDA</strong>: I2C communication pins (A5/A4 by default)</li> <li><strong>TX/RX</strong>: Serial communication pins (D0/D1)</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Wi-Fi Module (ESP8266/ESP32)</strong>:</p> <ul> <li><strong>GPIO Pins</strong>: General-purpose I/O pins for handling additional sensors or devices.</li> <li><strong>TX/RX</strong>: Used for communication with the ATmega328P.</li> <li><strong>Reset/Enable</strong>: Used for controlling the reset state of the Wi-Fi module.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h3>Setting Up the Arduino UNO with Wi-Fi (ESP8266/ESP32):</h3> <ol> <li> <p><strong>Install the Arduino IDE</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>Download and install the <strong>Arduino IDE</strong> from the official Arduino website.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Install the ESP8266/ESP32 Board in Arduino IDE</strong>:</p> <ul> <li><strong>ESP8266</strong>: <ul> <li>Go to <strong>File > Preferences</strong> in the Arduino IDE.</li> <li>In the <strong>Additional Board Manager URLs</strong> field, add: <code></code></li> <li>Then, go to <strong>Tools > Board > Boards Manager</strong>, search for <strong>""ESP8266""</strong>, and install it.</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>ESP32</strong>: <ul> <li>In the <strong>Additional Board Manager URLs</strong>, add: <code></code></li> <li>Then, go to <strong>Tools > Board > Boards Manager</strong>, search for <strong>""ESP32""</strong>, and install it.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Select the Correct Board</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>Go to <strong>Tools > Board</strong> and select <strong>“Arduino UNO”</strong> (for the base UNO controller) or select the corresponding board if it's an <strong>ESP8266</strong> or <strong>ESP32</strong> variant.</li> <li>Select the appropriate <strong>Port</strong> under <strong>Tools > Port</strong>.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Programming the Board</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>Once the libraries are installed and the board is set up, you can start writing code to use the Wi-Fi functionality.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> <h3>Example Code for Wi-Fi Connectivity (ESP8266/ESP32):</h3> <p>Here’s a simple example to connect your Arduino to a Wi-Fi network using the <strong>ESP8266</strong> module:</p> <div class=""contain-inline-size rounded-md border-[0.5px] border-token-border-medium relative bg-token-sidebar-surface-primary dark:bg-gray-950""> <div class=""flex items-center text-token-text-secondary px-4 py-2 text-xs font-sans justify-between rounded-t-md h-9 bg-token-sidebar-surface-primary dark:bg-token-main-surface-secondary select-none"">cpp</div> <div class=""sticky top-9 md:top-[5.75rem]""> <div class=""absolute bottom-0 right-2 flex h-9 items-center""> <div class=""flex items-center rounded bg-token-sidebar-surface-primary px-2 font-sans text-xs text-token-text-secondary dark:bg-token-main-surface-secondary""><span class="""" data-state=""closed""><button class=""flex gap-1 items-center select-none py-1"" aria-label=""Copy"">Copy code</button></span></div> </div> </div> <div class=""overflow-y-auto p-4"" dir=""ltr""><code class=""!whitespace-pre hljs language-cpp""><span class=""hljs-meta"">#<span class=""hljs-keyword"">include</span> <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Include the WiFi library for ESP8266</span></span> <span class=""hljs-type"">const</span> <span class=""hljs-type"">char</span>* ssid = <span class=""hljs-string"">""yourSSID""</span>; <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Replace with your Wi-Fi network name</span> <span class=""hljs-type"">const</span> <span class=""hljs-type"">char</span>* password = <span class=""hljs-string"">""yourPassword""</span>; <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Replace with your Wi-Fi password</span> <span class=""hljs-function""><span class=""hljs-type"">void</span> <span class=""hljs-title"">setup</span><span class=""hljs-params"">()</span> </span>{ Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">begin</span>(<span class=""hljs-number"">115200</span>); <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Start serial communication</span> <span class=""hljs-built_in"">delay</span>(<span class=""hljs-number"">10</span>); <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Connect to Wi-Fi</span> WiFi.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">begin</span>(ssid, password); <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Wait for the connection to be established</span> <span class=""hljs-keyword"">while</span> (WiFi.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">status</span>() != WL_CONNECTED) { <span class=""hljs-built_in"">delay</span>(<span class=""hljs-number"">500</span>); Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">print</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">"".""</span>); } <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Print the IP address once connected</span> Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">println</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">""""</span>); Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">println</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">""Connected to Wi-Fi""</span>); Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">print</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">""IP Address: ""</span>); Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">println</span>(WiFi.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">localIP</span>()); } <span class=""hljs-function""><span class=""hljs-type"">void</span> <span class=""hljs-title"">loop</span><span class=""hljs-params"">()</span> </span>{ <span class=""hljs-comment"">// The main loop does nothing in this simple example</span> } </code></div> </div> <h3>How It Works:</h3> <ul> <li><strong>ESP8266WiFi.h</strong>: This library is used to connect to Wi-Fi and perform related operations like connecting, disconnecting, and retrieving the IP address.</li> <li><strong>WiFi.begin(ssid, password)</strong>: This command starts the process of connecting to the Wi-Fi network.</li> <li><strong>WiFi.localIP()</strong>: After successfully connecting, this function returns the IP address assigned to the device.</li> </ul> <h3>Example Code for Web Server (ESP8266/ESP32):</h3> <p>You can also use the Wi-Fi module to set up a simple <strong>web server</strong> that you can control from a browser.</p> <div class=""contain-inline-size rounded-md border-[0.5px] border-token-border-medium relative bg-token-sidebar-surface-primary dark:bg-gray-950""> <div class=""flex items-center text-token-text-secondary px-4 py-2 text-xs font-sans justify-between rounded-t-md h-9 bg-token-sidebar-surface-primary dark:bg-token-main-surface-secondary select-none"">cpp</div> <div class=""sticky top-9 md:top-[5.75rem]""> <div class=""absolute bottom-0 right-2 flex h-9 items-center""> <div class=""flex items-center rounded bg-token-sidebar-surface-primary px-2 font-sans text-xs text-token-text-secondary dark:bg-token-main-surface-secondary""><span class="""" data-state=""closed""><button class=""flex gap-1 items-center select-none py-1"" aria-label=""Copy"">Copy code</button></span></div> </div> </div> <div class=""overflow-y-auto p-4"" dir=""ltr""><code class=""!whitespace-pre hljs language-cpp""><span class=""hljs-meta"">#<span class=""hljs-keyword"">include</span> </span> <span class=""hljs-type"">const</span> <span class=""hljs-type"">char</span>* ssid = <span class=""hljs-string"">""yourSSID""</span>; <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Replace with your network credentials</span> <span class=""hljs-type"">const</span> <span class=""hljs-type"">char</span>* password = <span class=""hljs-string"">""yourPassword""</span>; <span class=""hljs-function"">WiFiServer <span class=""hljs-title"">server</span><span class=""hljs-params"">(<span class=""hljs-number"">80</span>)</span></span>; <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Set up the server on port 80 (HTTP)</span> <span class=""hljs-function""><span class=""hljs-type"">void</span> <span class=""hljs-title"">setup</span><span class=""hljs-params"">()</span> </span>{ Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">begin</span>(<span class=""hljs-number"">115200</span>); <span class=""hljs-built_in"">delay</span>(<span class=""hljs-number"">10</span>); <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Connect to Wi-Fi</span> WiFi.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">begin</span>(ssid, password); <span class=""hljs-keyword"">while</span> (WiFi.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">status</span>() != WL_CONNECTED) { <span class=""hljs-built_in"">delay</span>(<span class=""hljs-number"">500</span>); Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">print</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">"".""</span>); } Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">println</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">""Connected to Wi-Fi""</span>); Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">print</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">""IP Address: ""</span>); Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">println</span>(WiFi.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">localIP</span>()); <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Start the server</span> server.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">begin</span>(); } <span class=""hljs-function""><span class=""hljs-type"">void</span> <span class=""hljs-title"">loop</span><span class=""hljs-params"">()</span> </span>{ WiFiClient client = server.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">available</span>(); <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Listen for incoming clients</span> <span class=""hljs-keyword"">if</span> (client) { Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">println</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">""New client connected""</span>); <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Send a basic web page to the client</span> client.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">println</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">""HTTP/1.1 200 OK""</span>); client.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">println</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">""Content-Type: text/html""</span>); client.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">println</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">""""</span>); client.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">println</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">""Welcome to Arduino WiFi Server""</span>); client.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">stop</span>(); <span class=""hljs-comment"">// Close the connection</span> Serial.<span class=""hljs-built_in"">println</span>(<span class=""hljs-string"">""Client disconnected""</span>); } } </code></div> </div> <h3>Applications of Arduino UNO R3 with Integrated Wi-Fi:</h3> <ol> <li> <p><strong>IoT Projects</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>Control devices, sensors, and actuators remotely over Wi-Fi from a smartphone, tablet, or computer.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Home Automation</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>Automate home appliances and monitor systems via web interfaces or mobile apps.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Wireless Sensor Networks</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>Use multiple Wi-Fi-enabled Arduino boards to create sensor networks for environmental monitoring, security systems, and more.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Web Servers</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>Host simple web pages or APIs for controlling or monitoring systems remotely.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong>Data Logging</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>Send data from sensors to cloud-based services or databases for storage and analysis.</li> </ul> </li> </ol>
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