AHT10 High Precision Digital Temperature And Humidity Measurement Module

  1. Interface type: I2C
  2. Working voltage: 1.8 – 6.0 V
  3. Interface size: 4*2.54mm pitch
  4. Humidity accuracy: typical ± 2%
  5. Humidity resolution: 0.024%
  6. Temperature accuracy: typical ± 0.3 ° C


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SKU: AH072 Categories: ,
Estimated delivery dates: 22-12-2024 - 25-12-2024
The AHT10 High Precision Digital Temperature And Humidity Measurement Module is a new generation of temperature and humidity sensors, sets a new standard in size and intelligence: it is embedded in a dual-row flat leadless SMD package for reflow soldering with a 4 x 5mm bottom and a height of 1.6mm. The sensor outputs a calibrated digital signal in standard I 2C format.
The AHT10 is equipped with a newly designed ASIC-specific chip, an improved MEMS semiconductor capacitive humidity sensing element and a standard on-chip temperature sensing element. Its performance has been greatly improved beyond the reliability level of previous generation sensors. The first generation of temperature and humidity sensors have been improved to make them more stable in harsh environments.
This sensor gives a calibrated digital signal outputs in standard I2C format. The AHT10 is equipped with a newly designed ASIC-specific chip, an improved MEMS semiconductor capacitive humidity sensing element and a standard on-chip temperature sensing element. Its performance has been greatly improved beyond the reliability level of previous generation sensors

Specifications and Features:

  1. Interface type: I2C
  2. Working voltage: 1.8 – 6.0 V
  3. Interface size: 4*2.54mm pitch
  4. Humidity accuracy: typical ± 2%
  5. Humidity resolution: 0.024%
  6. Temperature accuracy: typical ± 0.3 ° C
  7. Temperature resolution: Typical 0.01 °C
  8. Working temperature: -40°C–85°C

Package Includes:

1 x Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor



// www.ekostra.com
   This is an Arduino library for Aosong ASAIR AHT10, AHT15 Digital Humidity & Temperature Sensor

   written by : enjoyneering79
   sourse code: https://github.com/enjoyneering/

   This chip uses I2C bus to communicate, specials pins are required to interface
   Board:                                    SDA                    SCL                    Level
   Uno, Mini, Pro, ATmega168, ATmega328..... A4                     A5                     5v
   Mega2560................................. 20                     21                     5v
   Due, SAM3X8E............................. 20                     21                     3.3v
   Leonardo, Micro, ATmega32U4.............. 2                      3                      5v
   Digistump, Trinket, ATtiny85............. 0/physical pin no.5    2/physical pin no.7    5v
   Blue Pill, STM32F103xxxx boards.......... PB7                    PB6                    3.3v/5v
   ESP8266 ESP-01........................... GPIO0/D5               GPIO2/D3               3.3v/5v
   NodeMCU 1.0, WeMos D1 Mini............... GPIO4/D2               GPIO5/D1               3.3v/5v
   ESP32.................................... GPIO21/D21             GPIO22/D22             3.3v

   Frameworks & Libraries:
   ATtiny  Core          - https://github.com/SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore
   ESP32   Core          - https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32
   ESP8266 Core          - https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
   STM32   Core          - https://github.com/stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32
                         - https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32

   GNU GPL license, all text above must be included in any redistribution,
   see link for details  - https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html
#include <AHT10.h>
#include <Wire.h>

uint8_t readStatus = 0;

AHT10 myAHT10(AHT10_ADDRESS_0X38);

void setup()
  while (myAHT10.begin() != true)
    Serial.println(F("AHT10 not connected or fail to load calibration coefficient")); //(F()) save string to flash & keeps dynamic memory free
  Serial.println(F("AHT10 OK"));

//Wire.setClock(400000); //experimental I2C speed! 400KHz, default 100KHz

void loop()
  /* DEMO - 1, every temperature or humidity call will read 6 bytes over I2C, total 12 bytes */
  Serial.println(F("DEMO 1: read 12-bytes, show 255 if communication error is occurred"));
  Serial.print(F("Temperature: ")); Serial.print(myAHT10.readTemperature()); Serial.println(F(" +-0.3C")); //by default "AHT10_FORCE_READ_DATA"
  Serial.print(F("Humidity...: ")); Serial.print(myAHT10.readHumidity());    Serial.println(F(" +-2%"));   //by default "AHT10_FORCE_READ_DATA"

  /* DEMO - 2, temperature call will read 6 bytes via I2C, humidity will use same 6 bytes */
  Serial.println(F("DEMO 2: read 6 byte, show 255 if communication error is occurred"));
  Serial.print(F("Temperature: ")); Serial.print(myAHT10.readTemperature(AHT10_FORCE_READ_DATA)); Serial.println(F(" +-0.3C"));
  Serial.print(F("Humidity...: ")); Serial.print(myAHT10.readHumidity(AHT10_USE_READ_DATA));      Serial.println(F(" +-2%"));

  /* DEMO - 3, same as demo2 but different call procedure */
  Serial.println(F("DEMO 3: read 6-bytes, show 255 if communication error is occurred"));

  readStatus = myAHT10.readRawData(); //read 6 bytes from AHT10 over I2C
  if (readStatus != AHT10_ERROR)
    Serial.print(F("Temperature: ")); Serial.print(myAHT10.readTemperature(AHT10_USE_READ_DATA)); Serial.println(F(" +-0.3C"));
    Serial.print(F("Humidity...: ")); Serial.print(myAHT10.readHumidity(AHT10_USE_READ_DATA));    Serial.println(F(" +-2%"));
    Serial.print(F("Failed to read - reset: ")); 
    Serial.println(myAHT10.softReset());         //reset 1-success, 0-failed

  delay(10000); //recomended polling frequency 8sec..30sec


Circuit Diagram




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Interface type:


Working voltage:

1.8 – 6.0 V

Interface size:

4*2.54mm pitch

Humidity accuracy:

typical ± 2%

Humidity resolution:


Temperature accuracy:

typical ± 0.3 ° C

Temperature resolution:

Typical 0.01 °C

Working temperature:


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